
“Carpe Diem” – An Important Reminder

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AlexVan / Pixabay

As the news hit about Robin Williams, we again reflect on the beauty and frailty of our existence.    Losing someone is the darker side of life, but losing someone before you’ve accepted it’s their time to move onto another life form is absolutely heartbreaking.

Forget all the petty stuff.  Be humble. Be grateful. Do the things you*LOVE*. Forgive quickly. Let yourself fall in love. Respect and appreciate everything you have. Cherish family.  Invest in people.  Invest in yourself.  Laugh often. Dream big. Embrace today.

Today is the beginning of the rest of your life- do something today and everyday to make it count.   Put down your cell phone for a second. Stop wasting precious time on social media.  Turn off the TV.  Call a loved one just to say hello.  Be the first to forgive in a fight.  Thank someone for holding your hand through the darkest of your days.  Be there for someone through theirs.


DamiWurtz / Pixabay