
All travels lead to the dance floor.

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I finally set this thing up. I’ve been wanting to start a food/travel/music/everything fun and amazing blog for a while now- I wanted a way to preserve all the good times spent with friends and family and to have a way to share with those friends and family. This is going to be an eclectic collection of good food, interesting places, great music and even some of the new and old faces along the way.

The significance of “all travels lead to the dance floor” in my mind, is that all the choices in life you make should lead you down a path of happiness. Otherwise, what’s the point? We consciously make decisions each and every moment of our lives- some small, some not so small. Within those decisions, I personally believe there are two ways to experience the ride. The fun way, and of course, the boring way. It doesn’t mean your life is meaningless if it’s not a 24-7 party, but the fun way means you have a positive attitude and you are taking full advantage of all the things in front of you. You are opening your mind…opening your eyes…opening your heart. You’re taking the opportunity to enjoy and experience things at least once. You savor the good…you learn from the bad. And most importantly, you’re making the most of every situation.

Hope you enjoy!
